Creating your first Online Signature Course
If you are a Life or Business Coach, Healer, Psychic or other heart-centred service based professional - and have been thinking about creating and running your own online signature course, you will find the following information valuable. I have successfully written,...
May the Fourth Be With You…
Today is the 4th May, and Facebook is scattered with Star Wars memes. May the Fourth be with you! So today is the perfect day for me to share a message I got from my guides a few weeks back when I was feeling completely overwhelmed. There are so many beautiful and...
10 Common Limiting Beliefs – That May be Blocking Your Success
10 things you were told (and believed) as a child... that are complete crap and could be stopping you from true success. As children, we trust the well meaning adults around us - we believe what they tell us. When we grow into adults, it’s important to...
How to Manifest Anything
10 Steps to Powerful Manifesting... ...Without changing your thoughts! When it comes to manifesting, many people focus too highly on their thoughts and not enough on the FEELINGS of what they desire. In a nutshell, the Law of Attraction works on the principal...
What is the Law of Attraction – A scientific explanation
The Law of Attraction has a mixed reputation. Some people love it, but many people think it's a load of cr*p, and just simply doesn't exist - let alone work! The famous movie (and book) "The Secret" brought the Law of Attraction into mainstream. It was a...
Are you “playing small”?
Are you playing small? How to truly let your light shine and give others permission to do the same. Leadership Lessons from My New Dance Class. For a number of years I have dreamed of participating in a regular dance class. There were all sorts of “valid”...
Boosting Self Esteem
If you were to ask me: "Steph, what is the MAIN thing that holds people back from reaching their goals and dreams?" I'd hands down say "The belief that you can't get there." In my experience, low self esteem is at the core of this belief. You might have heard the...
In her radio interview on "That's Life", Stephanie discusses what happiness truly means - and how it's unrealistic to expect to be happy all the time, no matter how great your life is. About the Author Stephanie Kakris is one of Australia’s leading mindset experts....