The Law of Attraction has a mixed reputation.
Some people love it, but many people think it's a load of cr*p, and just simply doesn't exist - let alone work!
The famous movie (and book) "The Secret" brought the Law of Attraction into mainstream.
It was a wonderful introduction to The Law of Attraction, and sold the message:
"If you think great thoughts about your future, good things will come to you."
However, it left a lot of people scratching their head because there wasn't much detail on WHY it works and HOW to make it work for you.
The Law of Attraction DOES exist, and is ALWAYS at work, whether you understand it or believe in it.
Like gravity:
I don't understand how it works but I know it does.
The Law of Attraction is based on Quantum Physics which is the science of the unseen.
It is grounded in the scientific principle, "Like Attracts Like" - or, more specifically - "Like Resonates with Like" - matching vibrational energy comes together.
EVERYTHING we see, touch, feel, - even imagine - is made up of energy, and is vibrating at a particular frequency.
When things vibrate at a similar frequency, they come together.
Have you ever walked into a room and felt really uncomfortable even though it seems like a normal group of people?
It's because the collective "vibe" doesn't match yours. You feel repelled and want to leave.
On the other hand, have you had a conversation with someone you have never met before and felt as if you've known them for years and felt comfortable sharing personal stuff with them? That's because they are matching your vibe... or vibration.
It's the same with your goals and dreams: If they match your personal vibration, they will be attracted to you - and you to them.
When explaining how the Law of Attraction works, I love to use the analogy of a tuning fork.
Let's say you have a tuning fork that is the note "G".
If you sing or play the note "C", the tuning fork does nothing - it just sits there.
However, if you sing or play the exact same note as the tuning fork, it will vibrate.
That's called resonance.
Now I'm going to ask you to stretch your imagination and see the tuning fork as your goal.
It has a specific vibration.
When YOU can resonate with that vibration, it will come to life - as Einstein says:
Soooo, the $64,000 question that was NOT covered in "The Secret" is:
"HOW do I change my vibration to manifest my goals and dreams"
I'm so glad you asked!
The shortest answer to this question is to consider what you want, then list how it will make you FEEL.
Happy, Excited, Relieved, Thrilled, Calm, Peaceful (some common ones).
The next step is for you to explore how you can feel those things RIGHT NOW.
There are so many ways we can raise our vibration (in fact, I could probably list at least 100 here, but instead I'll list some of my personal favourites):
Meditation, spending time in nature, watching comedy, spending time with uplifting people, doing things you LOVE, dancing, singing, writing, and processing negative emotions (stay tuned for a blog post on that!).
Share in the comments below - what do you love to do most to lift your mood?
For more specific instructions to bring your dreams to life, you can read about my powerful 10 step manifesting process - click here.
For more Law of Attraction, wealth and abundance conversations, come and join my Facebook Group - click here.
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About the Author
Stephanie Kakris is one of Australia’s leading mindset experts.
She has a Masters in Sport Psychology and 20 years experience assisting people to reach their potential.
She combines her extensive experience in mindset, emotional intelligence and the science behind the Law of Attraction to offer powerful transformation for her clients.
Her coaching and mentoring packages focus on changing from within, which boosts external results and rewards.
She is especially passionate about money mindset - she has spent many years learning and applying various techniques to master wealth for herself, and now she shares what she has learned to help others to build wealth and abundance.
To book a session with Stephanie, click here.