10 Steps to Powerful Manifesting...
...Without changing your thoughts!
When it comes to manifesting, many people focus too highly on their thoughts and not enough on the FEELINGS of what they desire.
In a nutshell, the Law of Attraction works on the principal of "like attracts like", or more scientifically speaking, "like resonates with like".
When you can match your personal vibrational energy with what you desire, it will move from your imagination into your reality.
Many spiritual teachers suggest that a powerful way of changing your vibrational energy is to change your thoughts:
Wayne Dyer wrote a best seller called "Change your thoughts, change your life" (nb. This is a wonderful book - which actually has little to do with changing your thoughts, but interesting that he called it that).
In the popular Law of Attraction book, "The Secret", Rhonda Byrne states:
“Remember that your thoughts are the primary cause of everything.
You might have also heard people say, "Your thoughts create your reality".
To clarify - I DO believe that our thoughts are one component of our vibrational energy, and they do impact our manifesting power.
However, in all the years of practicing gratitude, doing truckloads of emotional healing and personal development, I've never REALLY been able to master my thoughts, and to be honest, I've never personally met anyone who can.
Negative thought patterns are simply part of the human experience, and accepting that - rather than fighting against them has helped me a great deal.
Way back when I studied a Masters in Applied Psychology at University, the "go to" training for helping anyone with any issue (that I was taught anyway) was cognitive behavioral therapy - which is basically to notice your negative thoughts, change them into positive ones, and voila! you'd be free from all your psychological problems.
As someone who has experienced chronic anxiety, this modality of attempting to change my thoughts did absolutely nothing to help me - in fact, I felt really ashamed that I was meant to be the practitioner and I couldn't use this to fix myself!
Since then, I've learned so much more about emotions and energy and now I have a completely different approach to my mental health and wellbeing.
And now I love to teach what I have learned in this area which greatly impacts the overall manifesting process...
Luckily for me, (and you!), thoughts are only one of many components of your vibrational energy.
In my experience, the secret of powerful manifesting is to change your feelings, not your thoughts.
Feelings are easy to create by simply using your imagination.
Allow me to demonstrate.
Take a deep breath and spend a moment to imagine right now...
You are sitting on a tropical beach, palm trees all around, your personal butler hands you a cocktail and you take a sip.
The warm sun is kissing your cheek, you can feel the soft sand in your toes. And as you look out into the tropical water, you are amazed at the turquoise colour and truly feel like you're in paradise.
You take a moment to acknowledge how blessed you are to have such a wonderful life, with the freedom to do anything you choose. You have come such a long way, and are so grateful!
Ok, now I'm going to check in with you - how are you feeling right now after reading that?
If you can really take yourself there to that scene, you'll feel vibrant and relaxed.
Consider how you were feeling 5 minutes ago.
Unless you're reading this on holiday, you probably weren't already feeling vibrant and relaxed.
So just like that, you created a new feeling by using your imagination.
This is exactly what I recommend when I'm teaching how to manifest your dreams:
Create the scene in your imagination, and really connect with the feelings that are associated with that scene.
(For those of you that are like me and love geeky scientific explanations, this is known as Quantum Jumping... bringing your future reality into the present.
If you haven't already read my article how the Law of Attraction actually works - then this process will make more sense. Click here to read that post.)
Without further ado, here is my 10 step manifesting process that I have used for myself and many clients to bring their dreams to life...
10 Steps to Manifesting Prowess
1) Decide what you want.
(if you're not sure, write down what you currently don't like about your life, and then create an opposite reality to that).
2) Explore if it's what you REALLY want
Close your eyes and feeling into your heart if it's right for you. (I call this head goes vs heart goals - keep an eye out for a blog post explaining further!)
3) Write down your goal using my goal setting formula
Click here if you haven't seen it yet!
4) Focus particularly on the feeling you will have when your goal comes true
Explore what you have - and what you can do right now - that can give you this feeling.
5) Let go of the "how"
It's the universe's job to work out how your dream will manifest - not yours. There are way more possibilities of how it will come to life than you can possibly imagine. Enjoying yourself along the way is a critical component (and helps life be more enjoyable in the now).
6) Be open to all possibilities.
Think J K Rowling. She will be the first to tell you that what has happened with the success of Harry Potter was WAY beyond what she would EVER have imagined.
7) Take inspired action.
The universe likes to know that you do really want this thing, and the best way to show that is to take some action. If the action you think you need to take is overly boring, tiring or makes you feel like crap, don't do it!! It will not bring what you what you want.
8) Meditate and visualize.
Fantasize about what your life will be like.
9) Ask and watch for signs that you are on the right path.
Signs such as repeating numbers, hearing the lyrics of a meaningful song, seeing butterflies or feathers or your favourite bird.
10) Get a coach!
(Yeah, I know I'm biased!)
But honestly, if you really want to manifest an AMAZING life, the best way is to find someone who will:
- help you get clear on what you REALLY want,
- keep you on track,
- BELIEVE in you,
- love you when you fail,
- love you when you succeed,
- help you see what mindset and energy shifts you need to get you to the next level...
Send me an email today - steph@kakris.com and let's manifest amazing things together!
For more information on my 5 Week Online Manifesting Masterclass,
"Quantum Leap", click here.
I will be running a new group early in 2018.
Click here to contact me to be notified when the next group is starting.
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About the Author
Stephanie Kakris is one of Australia’s leading mindset experts.
She has a Masters in Sport Psychology and 20 years experience assisting people to reach their potential.
She combines her extensive experience in mindset, emotional intelligence and the science behind the Law of Attraction to offer powerful transformation for her clients.
Her coaching and mentoring packages focus on changing from within, which boosts external results and rewards.
She is especially passionate about money mindset - she has spent many years learning and applying various techniques to master wealth for herself, and now she shares what she has learned to help others to build wealth and abundance.
To book a session with Stephanie, click here.
Brilliant article. Thank you.
You’re welcome Donna – so glad you found it useful.